Garden survey details

NatHistCam is systematically recording the presence of flowering plants, ferns, mosses and liverworts, and plan to draw on records for several animal groups. In each of the 64 1 x 1 km squares (monads) we hope to record a garden. Are you willing to participate?

Each selected garden will receive about 3 visits, a summer one to record plants and moths, a winter one to record mosses and liverworts, and an autumn one to trap small mammals. As an additional activity, we may – with your agreement – set cameras (Trailcams) in boxes to record animals without trapping them. Your name and address will not be released, but the garden will be localized to 100 m by a 6-figure grid reference.

If you would like your garden to be surveyed, please fill in the form.


We regret we cannot promise to survey your garden, as we need to get even coverage across the city and are trying to avoid very small or very large gardens. Even if we do not select your garden, we would like to hear about the birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles that you have seen in your garden over the past two years.

Notes on filling in the form

Our surveyors can fill in most of it for you, but we need your input, especially on how you manage the garden. Obviously we need to know your contact details! It is also very interesting to know what vertebrates you have seen in your garden recently.

We calculate the area of your garden either from maps published in the internet (especially OpenStreetMap) or where this is not helpful by direct measurement.

The things that are particularly useful for us are:

  • Approx date of property
  • Your herbicide use (regular 2, occasional 1, never 0)
  • Your metaldehyde slug pellet use (regular 2, spot treatments only 1, never 0)
  • Your other pesticide use (regular 2, spot treatments only 1, never 0)
  • Your inorganic fertilizer use (regular e.g. spring lawn greening 2, spot treatments 1, never 0)

We would also like to know what birds and other animals you have seen in the past 2 years. Birds flying over or heard from the garden are counted. Enter X in the box if you saw this species.

When you have filled in the form, send it to or by post to Mark Hill, 11 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EB, Tel. 01223-571574.