CNHS Cambridge Survey
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A Natural History of Cambridge
The poster for the project
June 2017 poster
NatHistCam newsletter
The committee
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19 January 2018
659 × 495
The Birding Account: Winners and Losers
Previous Image
A Survey of Cambridge Wildlife
A natural history of Cambridge
Project blog
Blogs: a chronological list
Garden survey
Garden survey details
Flowering plants
Mistletoe survey
Apple trees and mistletoe
Mistletoe survey interview
Mosses and liverworts
Bryophyte survey
Insect surveys
Butterfly survey
Large Red Damselfly Survey
The red-veined darter that never was
Mammal surveys
Urban Badgers in Cambridge
Hedgehog survey
Muntjac survey
Small mammal trapping
Urban foxes in Cambridge
Reptile survey
Submit a record
Spotted in Cambridge
Logo design by Sam Motherwell
Contact us
NatHistCam is an initiative of Cambridge Natural History Society. Banner photomontages by Duncan Mackay