Small mammal trapping


Small mammal trapping for the NatHistCam project.

This protocol assumes that the garden being surveyed will be done using five Longworth traps per garden initially over two nights (one prebaited and one trapping) and possibly a further trap night.

If the garden owner gets involved as below, they will need to be left with a trapping record form and some bait and casters for rebaiting.

  1. On day 1 in late afternoon or early evening, if the garden owner is particularly interested, willing, and able to help, demonstrate how the traps work, how to put them together, and how to set the traps to catch by releasing the prebait catch (and checking same). Then, in consultation with the owner, set up the traps with hay and bait (fruit-and-nut muesli and casters) in likely places in the garden. Lock the traps open using the prebait catch (and check this has been done) and scatter a little bait in front of the tunnel (not inside the tunnel in case it interferes with the operation of the flap).
  2. On the following early evening (day 2) you or that interested, willing and helpful owner can set the traps to catch (after checking [by emptying and refilling the trap] that no small mammal has taken up residence in the nest box – if so, release it), record any mammal presence or if the outside bait has been taken, and scatter a little bait in front of the tunnel.
  3. Return to the garden as early as practicable (preferably 8am) the following day (day 3), open the traps (with the owner if at all possible), and record the catches.
  4. If the outside bait has been taken but no animals have been trapped, try to persuade the owner to allow trapping for one further night.
  5. If persuadable lock the traps open for the day and early evening the same day you or that interested, willing and helpful owner can set the traps to catch (after checking [by emptying and refilling the trap] that no small mammal has taken up residence in the nest box – if so, release it), record any mammal presence or if the outside bait has been taken, and scatter a little bait in front of the tunnel. Return the following early morning (day 4), open the traps (with the owner if at all possible), record the catches, and remove the traps.
  6. If the owner cannot be persuaded then remove the traps after opening and checking them on the morning of day 3.
  7. Wash the traps ready for the next garden – they will only need a few hours in cold water and a quick brush out and rinse.

Peter Pilbeam

6 December 2016